Assert Disabled

Asserts, that an item is disabled or readonly.


The WPath identifying the item to check (see WPath for a detailed description).
Input Field, Password Field, Text Area, File Upload
The path is usually the label of the field.
Single Select Box, Multiple Select Box
The path is usually the label of the select box, a > and then the text of the option to check.
Radio Group
Use the label of the radio button you like to select. If this text is not unique you can as always define some words before to make the path unique.
Check Box
Use the text usually placed after the checkbox you like to select. If this text is not unique you can as always define some words before to make the path unique.
It is possible to use the '*' and the '?' character als wildcards; '*' matches zero or many characters; '?' matches one single character.
It is also possible to define a > separated list of words (with '*' and '?' if needed). Then this command checks the first element after all these words.


Assert that an entry field is disabled

Assert that the entry field labled 'Color' is disabled.

Command Parameter Optional Parameter
assert-disabled Color